Friday, July 25

Why am I not in SanDiego?

As I step outside my house today into poring rain and the boom of thunder I have to stop and ask myself, why am I not in SanDiego?
Why am I not enjoying endless sunshine and people in bad costumes? Why am I not hanging with my wonderful comic geek friends? I feel regret that yet again my bank account has not allowed me this trip down to the sunny state. Oh San Diego, how I miss thee.

Sunday, July 20

Attack of the leathal virus's

So along with having no internet access outside of a coffee shop because my Quest modem appears to have died, I've spent the whole weekend not working on the art project I wanted to get done and instead, have been battling a whole slew of nasty computer viruses who have corrupted my computer to the extent that I'm now limping along with little hope of saving my computer from a complete reinstall.

That means operating system and everything.

I've sort of guessed that from the beginning, when on Thursday my computer was literally hijacked before my eyes, my Internet Explorer opened without my command and a file began downloading. I think I've had one of the best looks on my face to date. I believe it was a mixture of horror and aghast fascination.

Lucky for me my father is an amazing computer network enginier so he was able to get on the phone with me and figure out most of the problems. Still though... things seem kinda wonky so I'm afraid to access any websites where i have to enter a lot of personal information. I'll have to find another secure computer to pay my Quest bill.

So I'm sorry for yet another non-art post but I'll be getting back to the art-ing soon.

Friday, July 18

Color inspiration from nature.

I just wanted to take a moment to link to a really amazing design article I found. On Nudibranch.

Just look at this color palette!
You can read the full article here.

Sometimes as a computer artist I can get so caught up in the technical stuff that I can forget to take the time to just look outside my studio window.
There is so much inspiration just waiting out there. So many amazing creatures and shapes.
I just set up a new studio with my room mate in the porch of our apartment, it looks great and so far its a perfect working space... assuming the fans are on full blast. Its hot here.

Thursday, July 10

10 Commandments of Web Design

This is just brilliant.
I laughed and I agreed with the entire article and any one out there who likes to build the occasional site would do well to hop on over and read The 10 Commandments.

Seriously, I feel like I should print this out and pray to it every day.
My favorite is 'Thou shalt not abuse flash', my savior has come.